Thursday, January 17, 2019

Throw - Domestic Discipline Blessed Me And Our Marriage

This post is the beautiful thing I learned in the midst of something very dark.  For anyone that got into DD after the summer of 2013 you may not know this.  Back on June 19, 2013, the DailyBeast did an article on DD.  Well, they wrote about CDD, the article was called "Spanked for Jesus", but it was DD blogs in our very community that got linked in the articles and were called CDD.  The journalist's point of view was very negative to those who practice spanking.  The response was explosive.  Several publications reprinted the article or wrote their own take on it.  It was in the news, youtube channels jumped on to give their opinions.  It seemed to be everywhere, and so did the hatred.  It was a hard time for those of us in blogland.  Some bloggers got some horrifying comments on their blogs.  Some took down their blogs, and we haven't seen them since.  Some went private.  I remember the fear. the feeling dirty and exposed.  BUT, this is the beautiful thing I learned and shared during it.  This moment really helped me in our becoming who we are.  If anyone ever questions why we practice, I will show them this.  In fact, when my best friend learned we practiced, this was the post I showed her before we talked further.  This is a bit long, but if you want reasons why we practice, why this works for us, why we thrive, this is it. :)  I can't live without DD in my marriage, it just doesn't work.  We tried later on for family reasons, but had to go back to it.  We just don't do well without it.

This was posted June 25th, 2013

Domestic Discipline Blessed Me AND Our Marriage 

I have spent the week processing, and I'm sorry that I haven't written.  I know many felt attacked by the article that came out last week, which is now being reported by dozens of news sources.  I hate that we all have felt violated and threatened.  At the same time, I am so proud of the fact that a community that is wounded and some a bit frightened have rallied behind one of our own to pray for their family.  There is so much love here.  I am so thankful for this community.  I have been since I found you, and still am.

I won't lie, part of what kept me silent this week was the sudden rush in traffic on my site.  Like four thousand hits in a couple of days.  I thought that happened for everyone, but when I mentioned it to a few of you, you had no influx of visitors.  I couldn't figure out why.  So on Sunday I looked up my traffic reports.  A huge chunk of them came from the LDD site.  I just could not figure out why.  So I looked.  I had been linked in a post of theirs just before the articles came out... so I'm guessing that is how my numbers went so high.

I don't know why I didn't get bad comments, but after hearing what some got, I am thankful.  To those of you that received mean comments, I am so sorry.  You are so special, so loved.  You do not deserve their scorn or judgement.  We are all behind you.  We know the truth about you, and are sorry their lies and confusion was so blind and hateful. :(

I won't lie, it freaked me out that my numbers were going high, and others weren't.  But the next day I made a decision.  I don't care what they think.  I did, I really let it bother me this week, that article nonsense.  But not anymore.  I hope it's okay to share why. 

Before DD I cried myself to sleep so many times.  I felt so unloved.  The Duke never noticed anything I did, and never seemed to care about me.  Yes, he loved me, but he never showed it to me.  I was literally dying inside.  I was desperate, I started looking online on ways to save my marriage.  I just wanted the Duke to step up, take over some, relieve me of some of the burdens I was carrying.  Essentially, I wanted him to take his role of head of our house.  When looking up info on how to do this, I found Domestic Discipline.  I had wanted a marriage like DD, but did not know what to call it.  It was a hope for something I thought didn't exist.  Now it was real, now it had a name.

My heart started yearning.  Not only was there a lifestyle out there I could learn from that might help guide the Duke into stepping up, but it also was a lifestyle that would help us learn to take my control, and give him control.  Better yet, here was a lifestyle that also had ways to help me become a better person, help me learn boundaries as I'd never had any before, a lifestyle that would help me learn to control my temper, and best of all, a way to let go of guilt.  I carried around guilt so much, and having a temper that made me regret everything I would say and do did not help.

It took MONTHS to show the Duke I was serious about this.  He is shy, and passive, this took some talk. Domestic Discipline is not about punishments.  It's about helping those of us that need it finding a structure base to live in.  I needed to start having consequences.  I was self destructing with nothing to stop me.  I was getting unhealthy, I was getting depressed, I was getting a low self esteem, I was getting angry, I was not dealing with the grief of losing my son in a healthy way.  I wanted to lash out at the world.

This is what DD has done for me.

I now keep my house in order.  This has become a rule in my home.  For the Duke?  Not a chance.  He does not care one iota what the house looks like, and he never did.  Why then the rule?  Because clutter stresses me out.  Hearing people outside my door REALLY stressed me out that they may want to come in, and then they'd see the mess.  The Duke hates seeing me stressed.  He likes seeing me happy.  So the clean house is so that when I sit down, I can relax, and not be looking out of the corner of my eye at all that needs to be done, and stressing about not ever being able to catch up.  It now takes me 20 minutes twice a week to clean up my house.  That's it.

I now exercise and eat better.  Not to deprive me, and make me lose weight, but because I wasn't feeling well.  This one was the hardest to ask the Duke to enforce, he loves me the way I am, the size I am.  He does not believe I need to change.  I however do.  When he started to see that I was feeling better with this rule being enforced, it became a rule that would stay.  I no longer have as bad of headaches, I have more energy, I'm sick less days.

I now look at myself and can smile at myself.  One reason is that I have only had one blow up in months.  One.  And even then it wasn't bad.  Why?  Because the Duke knows when to cut me off now. He knows that line I cross where it's okay to share my opinion, and when I start to get angry and can't stop.  I still get to share my opinion, but he reminds me to calm down, take a breath, not to let the anger over rule me.  This has saved me from so much guilt.  I don't have to apologize to him for raking him over the coals, for swearing, stomping about the house, and I don't have to apologize to God for railing at Him as well, as that is where I would go once I was done with the Duke.  It is so great to not have to carry that burden around.

I can also look at myself and smile because the Duke does not allow me to self bash either.  I am no longer allowed to tell myself I am worthless, that I don't matter, that I'm ugly.  I am not allowed to have pity parties that lead to dark moods and depression.  If they threaten to come, the Duke is there, to love me, praise me, and show me how much he loves me.

EVERY single rule I have is for me.  It took me a while to see that.  But it's true.  Not one of those rules are a selfish one made by the Duke.  Even my bedtime rule is because if I don't get enough sleep, I am useless the next day with a major migraine, sometimes so bad all I can do is sit in the quiet, with tears running down my face.  He HATES to see me in pain.

DD is done out of love.  It's done out of respect.  Yes, sometimes I get spanked, but you know what?  If I get to the point I need a spanking, I also need to a good cry.  A spanking helps me cry, it helps me let go of all I'm holding on to.  It helps erase the guilt, it helps me know I've dealt with my mistake and can move on without having to worry about it anymore.  Spanking frees me.  You think I'm crazy?  I smile after EVERY spanking.  Not always right away, sometimes it can take ten minutes.  Never longer.  The Duke always pulls me to him right away and holds me and comforts me and lets me know how much he loves me, tells me to let it all out, and that he is there for me.  And then I smile.  Because all the garbage I was feeling is gone.  I cried it out.  No more baggage, I'm freed.  And I have my best friend there, supporting me.

I can't go back to how our life was before.  I can't.

Before, my husband never touched me, he never talked to me, he lived in his own little world.  We shared a bed, we shared a home, but that was it.

Now he LOVES to be with me.  He can't wait to talk to me each day.  We spend hours sometimes just talking.  He can't keep his hands off of me.  He's always wrapping his arms around me, holding my hand, putting his hand on my knee when I'm driving.  He asks more about what I think.  He checks in more to make sure I'm doing okay.  He asks more what he can do to make sure I'm doing okay.  He takes over more things when my daily headaches are harder to bear.  He's more ready and willing to help me with chores around the house and to run errands.  He steps in to protect me now.  He stands up when friends try to take up too much of his time now and tells them he needs more time with me.  We joke around way more, and tease each other.  We now do nightly devotions together and pray together more often.  I have not felt this loved, ever.  This is better than when we were dating.

I can't go back to how our life was before.  I can't.

DD is one of the best gifts God has brought to my marriage.  I am so happy now.  I feel freer than I have ever been.  I feel more loved.  I feel special.  I feel important.

Anyone that wishes to judge me can.  I've realized I just don't care. :)  I'm happy.  The Duke is happy.  That, I do care about.  That is what matters.  That article made me feel dirty.  But HOW can I feel dirty about something that has brought so much love, joy and peace?  Shame on the author for trying to destroy something so beautiful.  Shame on her.

To all you fellow DDers out there, whether you write blogs or just lurk, I am so proud to belong to this group of WONDERFUL people.  It is so rare to see love given so freely as it is here.  This community means so much to me.  Had you not been here, I would have never known.  I might still be crying myself to sleep every night, fighting for a way to survive.

I know some of you are taking your blogs down, some going private, and some taking theirs off of being able to be searched for.  I really feel that you are right in doing so.  Each person is different, and we all need different things, especially if you feel threatened at all.  Always listen to that voice if it tells you to pull back.  I thought about each of those for the Duke and I, and wondered which I/we should choose for us.  After some long thoughts, and as long as the Duke stays okay with it, I'm not changing anything for now.  I want to still be here for others to find who may need DD as much as I did.  That may change as our life changes, or if kids come into the picture, but for now, I feel peace about this decision.  I hope it is okay to ask those of you that go private to send me an invite. :)  I really still want to stay in contact because you have come to mean so much to me, and I have learned so much from you guys. :)  I love you guys. :)


  1. Hi EsMay,

    What a truly awful time this was in blogland, we lost a number of good friends as a result.

    This is a truly beautiful post and reflection on what dd means to you and what it has done for your relationship. I enjoyed re-reading this.


    1. It was, Roz. I was amazed how much it affected me to write that paragraph to describe what was going on and why I wrote the post. I felt a lot of it over again and had to shrug it off afterwards.

      And thank you. I am glad you liked the post. It is one I go back to from time to time because I like what I wrote, and it's good to remember the reasons at times. :)

      Hugs, EsMay

  2. Esmay,
    I was not around blogland at that time. I didn't even know it existed. This was a good post to reprint as it gives me a perspective to some bloggers who have been around a long time.

    Hugs From Ella

    1. Hi, Ella, I am glad it was good to read. :) You know, I've always felt I was a newbie in DD, but I'm starting to realize how long we've been doing this, and how far we've come. I'm so glad to be able to post for the people starting into it now, and be around for them, like older bloggers were for me.
      Hugs, EsMay

  3. Never never regret the storm! It brought you 4000 hits and a shit storm can do the same as friendly approach. It tends to bring both out of the closet. I would be happy for the link or attachment because there are readers out there who say "There are writers about what I daydream about??? Or this isn't just me???" Like Oprah says, don't read the comments. Once they turn negative move on. Don't let them take you down. Keep your focus on why you are here. I, for one, am so happy you hung in there as I am sure are many others. A lady recently sent me an email and said "You are too hard and are a terrible influence on women." I promptly replied and said "B---h...that is old news. Next?" Everyone lives the life they need. Judgment has no place. The same people criticizing spankers may be 400lbs or drink too much or shop too much...ignore the self righteous too...they are no better. Keep your head on your own purpose and ignore the rest. Keep up the good work. LOVE your blog. And it's pretty. Do you mind if I share the link on my blog????

    1. Sure, you can share a link. :) Thankfully we have not had many bad comments. A few, but mostly people see how this is helping us. I am not one of the popular blogs either, and I think that helps me avoid a lot of negative comments. :) And I hear you on finding the blogs. I was so excited when I found DD. It was something I always wanted, but to finally have a name, to know other people lived the marriage I wanted, oh my, it was so freeing. :)

  4. I am curious as to where you are now in comparison to this post. Not the reasons behind why you chose Dd ( though for me they changed several times as we have gone on) but the hows maybe?

    As for the dark time back in 2013? I could throttle LDD and their creators for what they did ( yes they did help a lot of people in the beginning and network to join some like minds but the damage they created by outing blogland was too much). Did you know that many of the popular bloggers were contacted by major news networks and magazines? THIS is why they went under. While they were under ( and several never did reemerge ) the landscape of blogland changed significantly. The way people wrote and shared became so edited that many lost the emotional connection between bloggers that used to develop out in the open as opposed to 'behind the blog'. Comments used to be lengthy and personal more often than not. Many processed during a struggle instead of retelling an event ( I know you still do). Even those bloggers who left still read for a while, but many shared they were just too frustrated with the disconnect to bother commenting or writing. In case you haven't noticed this strikes a cord in me. It is such a pitty newer bloggers never got to know or read Lillie, Lucy, Betsy, some Susie...but I digress. Many are very happy and supported so that is great. It just isn't the same.


    1. Oh, Willie, I know. I look at my blogroll, and I just miss them. I keep it there, in case they ever come back... though if they did, I wonder if they'd start afresh and I'd still not know they were back. Those blogs, they helped me so much, and those women became so important to me. They helped guide me as I tried to figure out how to start DD, helped encourage me through the hard times or when I made horrible mistakes I had to make up for. And I do know what you mean about being able to really dig into things. I have tried to keep the authenticity in our blog, but I find I still struggle. The old bloggers were so good at it, such an example, and I wonder, if without the example, how well I do at sharing without knowing what true sharing is like. I will try to do a blog post up this weekend of how things are now for us... but if you have a chance to look at the posts last week about being needy, and then about struggling with submission, that shows a lot of where we're at. :) But I didn't share the daily dynamic, and I think that could be a good thing for me to reflect on and share. :) Look for it on Saturday or Sunday if all goes as planned. :)

  5. I am so glad you stayed and I got to meet you! You have no idea the profound impact you have on me as I start this journey with the Sheriff. Thanks for sticking around!


    1. Boo, I have loved getting to know you, and am so glad that I could be of help. {{{HUGS}}}
      Hugs, EsMay

  6. That was during the time that I had first found DD info and my husband was appalled. I was embarrassed. Then blogs were disappearing and I was just lost. It was quite confusing. Fast forward a few years and for some reason I decided to try a more direct (and adult) approach and ask him if he was willing to give it a try and to my huge surprise, well, here we are. We are moving like snails but our marriage is so much better. We communicate more, we laugh more. Could never do this without all of you wonderful bloggers who are willing to share so much. It is beyond appreciated.

    1. Deena, I wondered how it all would appear to readers. How scary and unsettling it would have been. I'm so sorry it was so hard on you. But, I am also so glad you came back. :) I love that you were able to tell your husband what you wanted, and he was able to see the sincerity in your words, and meet you in the middle. :) You know, I honestly believe that moving like snails is how we do best with it too. We've tried the jumping in with both feet... that lasts a couple of weeks. lol But going slowly, adding more and more as we go, just a thing at a time, makes it much more likely to stick, and work. :) And thank you, we love to share, and it's wonderful when that sharing helps others. :)

  7. I didn't find my way to DD and blogland until after this. I am so thankful for those of you who kept blogging!

    1. In many ways, I'm glad the newer bloggers missed it. It was hard. And thank you, Madeline. When the Duke and I talked about staying or going after the article, I told him I didn't think I could take down our blog. I felt I needed to be there for others to find like I found them because DD saved our marriage. I am so glad we stayed.

  8. Yikes, I knew something happened, but I wasn't sure what it was. That is awful and scary. I would have loved to be able to read the older blogs you're talking about. I wonder how they were more open than what is generally shared in blog land these days? I try to be open on mine and I carefully respond to each comment as if we're having a conversation. Well, glad you stuck around EsMay. I'm happy for the difference dd has made in your marriage. I've only been blogging for less than a year, but we've been practicing some form of ttwd for almost 10. Lots of ups and downs....some breaks....and we're still working on it, too. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Windy

    1. I think you are very open and honest on your blog, Windy. :) I really appreciate that. :) I find we are the same way, been practicing for 10 years, and we've had ups and downs, and a major break where it was non existent, but we're working on it. It is so good right now, and I hope we can keep working on making it good. I don't mind if we go back a little, but like my newest post says, I don't know if I can go back to not having it at all again.
      Hugs, EsMay

  9. Hi EsMay. We don't know each other...yet. I've been a blogger for....a whole 2 weeks now. But I've really enjoyed this post for a couple reasons. 1. I love how your articulated this for an outsider who wouldn't truly udnerstand.

    But secondly because I didn't know of the incident so many years ago and it answers a lot of questions for me. I had noticed when I first started exploring -- how many bloggers seemed to be frozen in time. They're blogs are still accessible, but everyone seem to quit around 2013. Now I understand. Thanks again.

    1. Hello, Shell. Nice to meet you. :) :) Two weeks, aww, I remember that time, the excitement, meeting people who lived like I did, making friends who I could talk to. :) I hope you have fun. :)

      I guess I didn't think about making sure an outsider understood, or maybe I did think it back then, and forget about that now, lol. But I'm glad you liked it. :)

  10. I appreciate the DD bloggers out there. I would love to see more, though I respect that some are fearful of the consequences. Discipline is not a dirty word. DD can be good for a marriage and a very beautiful thing. Truth be told, I think we would have millions of happier and longer lasting marriages if more homes practiced it. A spanking may hurt at the time, but it is exponentially more humane than a divorce, a miserable home life or prison time. Keep putting it out there.

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. I do hope to keep this blog up for years to come. I don't know how many non DD people will find me, but if I can help even one couple that is struggling, that is considering divorce over fighting for their marriage, it will be worth that one couple I/we help, even if we never know they're reading. We needed DD, our marriage was dead, and I found DD blogs when looking for help. It helped save our marriage. I am so thankful for those bloggers.


Please feel free to leave any comments, but I do ask you to be kind. We go into this with eyes wide open after months of prayer, and a peace in our hearts that this is the right choice before God for our marriage. I am open to questions from those who wonder why we made this choice, but I would ask for no personal attacks. Thank you. :)

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