Sunday, March 11, 2018

My Answers :) - & My Past...

So I asked you guys last night if you had any questions for Questions Month.  I got three so far.  Please feel free to add more in the comments, even if you don't read this post. :)  They can be for me, the Duke, or both of us. :)  Here are the questions and answers so far. :)

--- Lindy Thomas: If you could live anywhere in the world what part would you choose? What's one thing both you and the Duke pack when travelling?

Hi, Lindy. :)  I am not sure, I love where I live in Canada.  I live on the eastern side.  Snow storms suck... but I wouldn't trade it for floods, earthquakes, hurricanes. :)  The spring and summer here are beautiful.

We usually pack clothes. :P  Laptop, and something to read.  Sometimes an implement, but rarely as we're usually staying with family when we're away.

--- An English Rose (Jan): I have been asking about people's clothing choices and funny enough you have just written about that so for you I will ask. How hard is it living with family? I admire you, I couldn't do it. Also is there an implement you fancy trying and haven't yet done so?

Hi, Jan. :)  Hehehe, sorry to take your original question away. :) 

And living with family is very hard, but it is also a blessing.  My Dad and I usually get along, but sometime he'll all the sudden be very upset with something and take it out on me since I'm the one who is around.  I find that very hard.  Mom is always in bed, I mean, ALWAYS, every minute of the day, in bed, and the Duke is at work a lot of the time, so I'm here alone with him a lot, well not counting kids. :)  Mom is hard... I share why below... but it's a hard read, so please don't feel you have to read.  She just reminds me of too many bad memories, and she refuses to leave her room and join the rest of the world.  She never leaves it, watches tv all day, and only comes out if I make a food she wants for supper.  Otherwise, if I make something she doesn't like, she makes Dad make her something and bring it to her.  So I can literally go weeks without seeing her at all, and this has happened often.  It's weird.  And then she'll come out after being mia for weeks,  and be upset that my daughter won't hug her for the two minutes she's out.  *sigh*  She doesn't get it.  I also find it hard because if I tell my daughter do to something, my Dad, before I even get a breath in, will tell her again to do it without giving her a second to obey first.  That riles me up, I've addressed it a few times, and have to address it again.  I don't want her to feel ganged up on, and it's me I want her to have to obey first, not him.  I know he means well, but it drives me insane.

Please don't get me wrong, there are blessings too, my daughter has more people to love, my Dad helps me with dishes and laundry and shoveling.  It's less lonely in the house, but then I also lose a lot of privacy and it's very hard to get time alone with the Duke.  I miss being able to just make love in the day, do a spanking without having to use only quiet implements, leaving the bathroom door open, running from the shower in just a towel, etc.  I definitely pray a lot to be a good daughter, most importantly a good wife, and a good mother, and not go crazy in it all.  There is really only one day I did, and the Duke was super supportive.

And I would love to try a riding crop and I'd love to try something leather.  Leather is definitely out of our budget, but I dream of trying a strap especially. :)  Oh, and I'd love to try a rattan carpet beater, one of the pretty Victorian ones. :)  They are sooo pretty. :)  Something like these.  Especially the one on the right. :) :) :)  But the one in the middle would probably be more practical spanking wise. :P

--- Roz: What is your favourite movie? Favourite childhood memory? Favourite implement?

Well, I probably would have listed something from Jane Austen, or another BBC Period Piece Romantic Drama, though I love pop culture movies too... but I have to say since last week I'm very addicted to the Fifty Shades movies. :)  Especially 2 and 3.  I can't wait for Freed to come out on DVD.  I love the dynamic, especially in 2 and 3.  I love the protection, care, safety, dominance, love, raw emotions, etc.  It's so great.  I find the first one is more straightly focused on getting her to be submissive, and the second two are more about learning who they can be together, so that is probably why I like them better.

My favourite implement... hmmm... Probably the Pocket Paddle from Blondie's, but since we can't use that anymore with people in the house, we often use a thin dowel that's 15 inches long.  It delivers enough pain without making much noise. 

I had to save the childhood memory until the end.  I almost pretended I didn't see the question to be honest...   And Roz, I know you would never want to make me feel panicked, so please do not feel guilty for having asked it.  In theory, it is such an absolutely innocent question, and I know that is how you meant it. :)  You are such a sweetheart and kind soul.

But to be honest, I can't answer that question because there is no happy memories... sorry... I sometimes elude to my past... but wonder if I should just put it out there and finally just admit it.   If I have shared a happy memory in my posts, it was for want to try to make it a happy memory.  I wish my childhood had been good.

This may be choppy, I won't get through it without tears, so it may not all make sense, but I find I don't ever talk about it, and wonder if sharing will help.  Please don't read further if you cry easily and don't want to cry. :) 

SERIOUSLY, Please Don't Read Further If Things Upset You Easily.  My past is not an easy one, and I still only skim the surface, but it's still a hard.  I am scared to share, but here we go.


I may end up pulling this down later, I still am uncertain sharing it.  I'm always afraid people will think I'm lying, and so I find it very hard to share my stories with people.  These details are sadly all true.

I don't have a happy memory from childhood.  Not one that I can come up with.  My mother was very abusive, mostly emotionally, but also physically.  My childhood was nothing but fear.  I have since been told I was brain washed by her and that I had PTSD.  I have a brother who thinks PTSD is a made up condition, so no one in my life but the Duke knows, and I do all I can to hide it from others because he judges other so severely, and I'm not sure I could handle it.

Even the parts of my childhood that might have looked good to others, were so filled with fear for me, that that is all I remember.  I still carry scars on my forearms from my mother's fingernails digging into me.  She always kept them long, and they were always sharp. :(  Thankfully over the years, especially during pregnancy, a lot of my scars faded, even ones not from abuse, so that I have less reminders.  She used to love to throw things at my head, and hit me in the face.  To this day, over 20 years later, I am still head shy.  I think that is why I fell in love with the character of Christian from Fifty Shades.  I've never read about someone with the same problem, and that is making me a bit brave to share.  He can't have his chest and back touched, and I can't have my head touched, especially if someone comes at me at a speed I find too fast.  The Duke can come at me, and I'm okay, but that could be because he knows this about me and comes at me slowly.  Other people have to warn me, come slowly, and still, I cringe.  People have only found out if they've gone to touch my head or face and I panic, I don't think I've ever willingly told anyone before you guys now.  A doctor can check my throat when I have a cold, but if they have to check my sinuses, or press around my head to figure out my headaches, I have to intentionally focus on my breathing so that I don't hyperventilate or throw up.  It's getting a lot better, but not perfect yet.  In our early years of marriage, the Duke couldn't even come at me in the dark at all.  Not for a hug, not for a kiss, not for intimacy.  Now, as long as I knew he was already with me, or he talks to me to let me know it's him, he can.  But in the early days, I would panic and demand he turn on the lights, even if he'd been with me, even if he spoke.  I can't even tell you why it happened and why it's better now, I don't know.

To show how much fear I lived in because of her constant beatings and emotional abuse, it made me afraid of everyone... my grandfather collected a 5 gallon bucket with large tadpoles to show me one day when I was probably about six years old because he thought I'd like them.  There was probably 30-50 in it.  They were amazing in memory, but back then I was freaked out of my tree and couldn't enjoy them.  I started shaking.  When he asked if I like them, I stuttered through clattering teeth. "You're not going to throw them on me, are you?"  His response was "Of course I'm not going to throw them on you!  Why do you always think such bad things?"  We were done looking at them, I'd upset him and he took me back to the house to my parents.  Looking back, I see he was upset because he thought I thought he was a beast.  I just didn't know people could be good back then.  I'd ruined his gift, many of his gifts, because of my fear. :(

Reading Fifty Shades finally last week was such an unexpected blessing.  I felt my heart just falling in love with Christian, not because he was sexy, or dark, but because of all he went through, with the pain he still carried, and I echoed so many memories.  I do not have burns, my scars are from fingernails, and my mom didn't have to sleep with guys, but she was heavily medicated, addicted to prescription drugs, and she was mean, as mean as the pimp in Fifty Shades, in fact, she has said many worse things.  I will never forget some of her words, or pet names for me.  She only ever once told me as a child that she loved me, one day when Dad demanded it, and she told me it with pure hatred.

Reading Fifty Shades was so freeing (it shares so much more than the movie) in that it allowed me to talk to the Duke about somethings that I'd never been able to find words for before.  It was a very tearful conversation on my end, but it was so freeing to be able to admit how I'd felt.  He knew there was abuse, but I hadn't been able to share how scared I was, how I felt, some of the instances that were too much to process, and how I can still, to this day, if I think too long on it, be that little girl again, right in the moment, and it takes a few minutes of concentration to get back to my 39 year old self.  I am almost done Fifty Shades Darker, and I hate to think I'll reach the end of these books someday.  Walking with Christian and his journey has been such a balm to my spirit.  I feel so less alone.  I feel like, even though he's fictional, someone out there understands me.

My mother lives with us now, as I shared above.  They had no where to go, and I couldn't just say no when they asked.  BUT, I panicked when they asked.  I spent over a month in panic attacks, crying, praying there was another way.  The Duke and I set many, MANY rules that had to be agreed upon before they were allowed to move in.  She is not allowed to bring up the past, ever.  Her version is flowers and hearts and all happy memories, and any bad parts she recalls she says were my fault.  I can't handle the lies.  She also is not allowed to fight with me, or fight with my Dad in front of us.  I don't want to see her anger, ever.  She says I'm overly sensitive because of this, but I don't rise to the challenge.  I'm not overly sensitive, it takes a lot to get me worked up, I just won't put up with her lies and manipulations.  And, as you can imagine, she is not allowed to be alone with my daughter. She has shown again and again that she's changed in many ways, but I still can't take the chance that she's pretending to have changed.

I gave you way more than you intended for this answer, and I am sorry.  And if anyone read to this far, I am sorry if I shared too much... I tried to share briefly, the whole story is way too much, I still had to tame it down, I still am not ready to share so much, but this is a small jist of my childhood because I feel I have hid too much of who I am.  I'm sorry there are no happy memories to share, but I promise, once I grew up, once I left home, there were MANY happy memories.  And the Duke alone has given me a lifetime of memories to make up for all the bad.  He is so healing and healthy for me.  I am finally so loved, and the great thing is, I love him with all my heart in return.  Something I was worried I'd never be able to do since you are said to not ever be able to show and experience love if you had no inkling of it before the age of five.  I am glad they were wrong, or I have it in my past, and don't remember it.  Either way, I'm so blessed in my marriage with the Duke.

I know the things online can seem made up, but I try to be honest, always.  But it's okay if anyone doesn't believe this post.  If you don't though, could you please just skip commenting for this post?  It was very hard to share, and I'm not sure I could handle attacks right now as typing all that out has left me very raw.  Thank you.  Or, if you feel you do need to comment any doubts, please start it with "I DOUBT" and I'll skip over your comment until I'm more prepared to deal with it.  Thank you.


  1. I hope that writing this out and sharing your experience and feelings is helpful to you. Of course I believe you. Goodness, who would ever in the world make this up? My heart hurt for you. It also sang for you - because you have Duke and you have been honest with him and can count on him. Because you found love, and you give love. You are a loving, wonderful person and that I know simply from reading your words and the kind, loving way you express yourself. I have deep respect for you - which may sound odd as we have never met - but honestly your kind heart leaps off of this page. Sending you a big ol' hug and wishing you so many more years of happiness and love in your life.

    1. Deena, thank you. I am honoured that you have respect for me, that means so much. And I am so glad that my heart shows. I do love people, and my family, and want to be the best person I can be, and I'm glad that that shows a bit in my blog. Yours words made me smile, thank you so much for sharing them with me. :)

  2. Hi EsMay,

    I enjoyed reading your answers to the other questions and am so very sorry my question about your childhood brought up so much hurt. I feel terrible about that.

    I admire you for sharing this with us and for your honesty when you could have skipped the question. I am so glad you have found the love you truly deserve with the Duke and that together you have made some wonderful memories.

    Thank you again for sharing this with us. That was very brave of you and I do hope also that while painful, it also helped you in some way to write it down.


    1. I wrote you an email, but in case you see this first, please do not feel terrible. {{{HUGS}}} I know your question was so innocently asked. And now that I'm a few hours after posting this... I feel freer, so I'm honestly glad you asked. It was time I shared. So many people don't know, and I am not sure it has been healthy to be so closed mouthed. So seriously, thank you. {{{HUGS}}}

  3. EsMay I admire you for sharing this information. I am so, so sorry you went through this with you mum. You are a survivor, as am I but I don't feel I can share my story. Thank goodness you have your Duke to love and cherish you to help you through all this hurt. You are a beautiful lady, never doubt it. I know you are a wonderful wife, mum to your little ones, daughter and friend.
    Stay strong!
    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. I totally understand that, Lindy. I literally had this sitting on my screen for hours debating if I was ready to share or not, after wondering for years if I should share or not, and there was still so much I couldn't share. Please, never feel you have to let blogland know if you don't want to. {{{HUGS}}} And thank you for your kind words, I really am trying to be good to everyone.

  4. Oh Esmay, I understand totally. Ella asked me a similar question and I too couldn't find an answer. I think you should have been able to say no to them living with you and also understand that sense of duty that didn't allow you too. It is the same one that is making me take care of a sick parent now when I really don't want anything to do with him or the stepmother.
    love Jan, xx

    1. Oh, Jan, I am sorry you are struggling with parents as well. {{{HUGS}}} It is so hard. I had no idea. Mine are still young, and that scares me even more. I thought if it ever came to me taking care of them, it would be in like 20 years. If they live to 80, they will be here a LONG time. Mom isn't even 60 yet. Dad is only 65 until May. *sigh* It will be many years of prayers. That, I can't focus on though, that is when the panic really starts to rise. I pray for grace, and that God sends blessings in the middle.

  5. EsMay,
    What a difficult life that you've conquered thru to be the amazing woman you are today. I like how you found Christian's character a freeing, "healing balm to your soul". It's wonderful when a book or particular character can make that connection to your heart on such a deep and profound level. I am encouraged and impressed by you and your story. You've had to be persistent and learn to love and grow in spite of so much childhood heartache. I'm proud of you for sharing. That was very courageous. Hugs!

    1. It was wonderful finding his character. Thankfully I am not as self depreciating... but I have to admit, I was once upon a time. God really challenged me on it, and some close friends. One in particular. Thank you for your kind words. I am thankful everyone is being so kind. {{{HUGS}}}

  6. I have good parents, so I can't truly understand, but I do think you are a remarkable woman. I don't think that I would've said yes to them living with me. So this is how it is supposed to be for the rest of their lives??? Maybe more kids are the solution, since then you would need the space...
    If you don't mind me asking, I'm not quite sure what to make of your Dad's role in all of this. It seems your Mom was the worst, but what about him - did he know about it? Did he treat you well? Of course you don't have to answer.
    I really hope, that there'll be a solution that gives you back your privacy. My respect to the Duke as well - not many men would let in-laws with such a history move in...

    1. Writing the answer to your question about Dad turned out to be long, so I'll include it in my questions post today... I hope that's okay. I have debated about other siblings. I have three younger ones. One definitely cannot take them, and the other two definitely don't want to. But I think around the 5 year mark, I may address them. We'll see how living with them is at that point. If the funds are there, we may look into getting a house with an in law suite, or an apartment attached if them living with one of my siblings never proves to be an option. And we have thought about more kids. :) I will be 40 in a couple of months... but there still may be a chance. :) Part of me hopes so, part of me hopes not. Pregnancy was hard. I'm thinking if someone handed me a baby I'd be ecstatic. :) If I found out I was pregnant, I think I'd find it overwhelming to know I'd be on bedrest for months, probably in the hospital for a chunk like I was with my daughter... and then who would look after her... that is my main worry... that, and would I get to see her every day.

    2. Of course that's okay - as I said, you don't have to answer at all. So thank you for your reply.
      Hmm, does it have to be like your first pregnancy again? 40 isn't too old... But I can understand the worry about your daughter - does the Duke have parents who could chip in?
      As for your parents, maybe a retirement home or something like that? If you have so many siblings, they shouldn't let you finance them all on your own. I mean I get that they don't want your parents to live with them and probably don't want to pay for them either, but it's not fair, that you should handle everything, so they should do it for you, if not for them... Just my opinion...

    3. My parents do pay for half of the heat, water, internet, though no rent. So if we have to move into a bigger place to keep them, then I will have to talk to my siblings about that. They did help us pay half of the heat pump and furnace we got last year. So that right there was a big help. It's hard with the siblings because we all grew up with the abuse. I got it most because I am the oldest, and if I saw it happening to the others, I stepped in and didn't allow it. But when I moved from home at 18, they no longer had me as a buffer. I'm praying about solutions, and that there can be peace in all of it.

  7. Thank you for sharing your history. I can see how that would be difficult. I'm glad you were able to let it out "to the world" as it were.

    And as far as people doubting you.... people do that? Like I know people may do that in a public forum for attention... a one-off story. But in a blog with years of posts...

    I believe you. What have you to gain by making this up? Who would have wanted to go through that?

    You are a remarkable person for giving your mother a roof.

    1. It's very rare on a blog, but the few times I do remember it happening that someone accused someone of lying, it sadly ended up being that they did lie. :( And my story, at least to me, seems so far fetched. I don't know of others personally with stories like mine. But maybe more of us have these stories, and like me, are very hesitant to share. Almost no one in my world knows of the abuse. Just a very few close friends and the Duke. And thank you... I don't feel remarkable... just trying to do the right thing. Not always easy, but I'm trying.


Please feel free to leave any comments, but I do ask you to be kind. We go into this with eyes wide open after months of prayer, and a peace in our hearts that this is the right choice before God for our marriage. I am open to questions from those who wonder why we made this choice, but I would ask for no personal attacks. Thank you. :)

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