Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Questions, Questions, Questions

So, it's questions month.  And I wanted to see if you had any for us?  Originally we were going to do questions for our 200th post, but then realized it was questions month, and decided to do it for that instead.

So ask away.  It can be for me, the Duke, us both.  It can be about spanking, DD, or just general life.  We do ask that you keep the questions nice. :)

Hope to hear from you, or maybe we've bored you all enough for now, that hearing anything else about us will send you into a catatonic, restless slumber. ;)  But if it won't, ask away. :)


  1. Good Morning :)

    Hey this question time comes handy right now. See one of my younger cousins, and his quite young wife are moving to Canada at the end of this month. They're both young, and moving very far from their family, bless them. What is the most valuable advise you would give to them about your country ? And yes I've told them to pack their warmest clothes lol

    Hugs x

    1. Hehehe, I look forward to answering your question, Missy. Do you know what general area they are moving to? Canada is even bigger than the states, so the place they go to can make a huge difference. :) {{{hugs}}}

  2. No questions, but always enjoy stopping by for a visit.

    1. Thank you, Leigh, that means a lot to me.

  3. Ooh - I may have to bring this up with hubby and see if he has any Q's for your HOH. Although, in true HOH spirit, he usually just likes to figure things out for I may be back with questions once I have time to think!


    1. We'd love his questions if he has any. :) But you are right, a lot of HoH's do like to figure things out by themselves. :) {{{hugs}}}

  4. Hi Esmay, where is your's and the Dukes favourite place to go on a night out?
    love Jan.xx

    1. Oh, hehehe, this is a good one that requires some thought, lol. :)

  5. Oooh let's see.. I'll try to come up with a couple good questions.

    I loved your lists of submissive exercises - do you have one or two favorites that just automatically get you in the right frame of mind?

    A question for the Duke - Is there anything you haven't tried, that you'd like to? A certain implement, a certain kink, etc.

    For EsMay - What is the least effective punishment you two have tried?

    1. Hehehe, I love submissive exercises, and will be sure to share what works for us with you. :)

  6. These are questions anyone here could answer, but I see a label on your wall, and the other one kind of goes along with it, so...

    What is a Spankso? You have mentioned you are one.

    And what exactly is the difference between DD and TTWD?

    1. hehehe, hmm, well, you won't find spanko mentioned anywhere else, because I don't think anyone else uses the term. But I will be sure to share with you. If you click on the paddle too, it will also explain it, but I will definitely share on our 200th post as well. :)

  7. What's your favorite movie?

    Craziest place you and your hubby have gotten down to business?

    Your biggest hurdle in DD when you first began?

    1. Oh, Rose, you want me to blush when giving you my answer, don't you? lol

    2. Haha. Sorry-I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. No worries if there's anything you don't want to answer!

  8. Hi EsMay and Duke! I have a couple of questions. What's your favorite thing to do for fun? Has there ever been a time where spanking was an ineffective punishment and an alternative was needed? This one's just for the Duke: Have/will you ever let EsMay "test" an implement on you so you know what the effect is? Ok, that's all :) Thanks for letting us ask questions and being so open!

    1. Oh, River, I LOVE your last question! And I have a good answer to go with it. ;) If I may. :)

  9. Okay my question, and I hope it makes sense..... When did you feel like you made DD your own, when did it feel natural to you?

    What would be a great date night for you?

    1. Thank you, Jennelle, and you made perfect sense. :)

  10. Hey EsMay and a very different question for ya...if there was to be a movie made about your lives, who would be cast to play each of you? :D


    1. hehehehe, you want to know who would play the Duke? I bet you can guess that one. ;)

  11. Hi there,
    My questions are for both of you (hopefully they are not duplicates),
    Aside from spanking, corner time, & writing lines have you used any other punishments?

    Also I know you did a boot camp weekend & I just wondered if you had it to do over would you do it? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why/why not?

    1. Oh, Scarlet, great questions, we haven't talked about boot camp for a while, so it will be good to discuss it again. :)

  12. Whoa! Great questions above, EsMay! :) I can't think of any at the moment that aren't covered here... Hmm..., what are your fav foods? LOL I guess that one comes from being hungry. Time for lunch! :) If you found yourselves on an island together and could only bring four things each, what would they be?

    I look forward to reading your answers. :) Many hugs,

    <3 Katie

    1. Hmm, I always ask myself what I'd grab if we had a fire, so I guess this will be along the same lines. :) I hope you got something good to eat. :) {{{hugs}}}

  13. Hello EsMay, there are great questions above and I am absolutely curious about the answers. And also have some more:
    Is there a rule you have to work especially hard on at the moment? Have you ever had a role model as an adult? What are you loved for most by the Duke? (<-I hope this question is not too nosy)



    1. Your questions are not too personal. Thank you for asking them, and I look forward to answering tem. :) {{{hugs}}}


Please feel free to leave any comments, but I do ask you to be kind. We go into this with eyes wide open after months of prayer, and a peace in our hearts that this is the right choice before God for our marriage. I am open to questions from those who wonder why we made this choice, but I would ask for no personal attacks. Thank you. :)

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