Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Week Of Spankings Finished

So here we go, going to try this new format, and see how it goes. :)

Last night was my last night of  a week long of spankings.  Well, Sunday night fell exactly in the middle, and since I take it as a day of rest, the Duke and I decided to give the spankings a break on that day as well.  Well for me it was because of the day of rest.  For the Duke it was because my bottom was getting very tender, and a bit leathery, so he wanted to give it a day off to give it time to heal some.

I am glad we did this past week.  It really helped me, not just in remembering to do my daily things, like wearing a dress, making the bed, making supper {dinner to some of you}, but it also helped me emotionally.  I have been more centered, more calm, feeling loved and having the Duke's undivided attention through this, and cuddling afterwards.  Well yesterday was not so much this, I was emotional all day yesterday from hormones, but it even helped then because it helped take my mind off of a few problems in my life that were just too hard to deal with yesterday.

I actually am a bit worried to not have the daily spankings now.  But this is good for me to step out from under them, and see how I do.  We will now go back to two maintenance spankings a week like we did before.  Life is a bit overwhelming right now, and my best friend and I are having a misunderstanding that is killing me, work has been crazy because everyone's been sick, my want for a child is coming back, like I said last week, and I don't want it to, and a few other things, so who knows, I still may need to go to him tonight and ask for another spanking, but that is not my goal.

I feel all warm and mushy to the Duke right now, he's taken such good care of me lately.  I did not think the spankings would help me feel even more safe.  I thought by the end of the week I'd be begging to get out of them, but I didn't.  I crawled over his lap every time, and it was great.  I feel so loved and cherished right now, all the bad has been let out, and all I want to do is sit in his arms all day.  But work beacons. :(

Thank you, Duke for taking such good care of me.

- The Duke's Deductions:

I am so proud of my EsMay for getting through a week of spankings. She was overall very willing to allow me to spank her. I am glad to hear that she got so much out of it. I was worried it was just going to be a lot of pain with no reason behind it. I am not sure that I got a lot out of it personally, except perhaps being able to practice my technique and get better control over my spankings. I am finding the keys to spanking success are really the words you use during a spanking, and for the spanking itself it is control. That's why I really have not been working with the majority of the implements we have. The pocket paddle gives me the most control, it is not too long and the surface area is almost the size and shape of the butt cheek. As well, the fact that it is hard and rigid means it is not flopping all over the place, and because it is the length it is I can tell much better where it is going to hit than the full length paddle. Also it is light enough that it does not tire my hand and arm muscles out easily.

These spankings were much more like maintenance spankings than punishment spankings. I would let her know what she was doing right each day as well as what she could be working on. I tried to take time to cuddle with EsMay afterwards as well. I was not always feeling very confident in my leadership abilities before each spanking, but I really believed the daily spankings were important, and so tried to do my best at each spanking anyway. Reading what EsMay wrote above, I believe it was the best choice. It is important as an HoH not to let feelings of weakness cloud your judgement over what is best for your wife or sub. I think we will probably do the twice a week maintenance going forward, as the regular spankings really seem to help EsMay. Anyway, I hope writing about this process may have been good information for some of you if you are ever considering trying this. A strength I see of this blogging community is that everyone seems to try to learn from everyone else, and I think a spirit of openness and willingness to listen to each other will really make everyone's DD relationships stronger.

Thank you for reading this.
The Duke.


  1. This is a conversation Ward and I have been having, and I'm glad you both said it. It seems like the strangest thing in the world sometimes to say - it is my safe place, across his lap. I feel safe and loved and protected there. Most people would find insanity in those words. So I find great comfort in reading them here.

    I was talking to Annie today, and I think I figured out why that is. He is the absolute only person I have ever been able to trust. To place myself in that position is to make myself vulnerable to him, and to express my trust, and to allow him to minister to me in unselfish ways. To have a man like that is to have a blessing. We are both supremely blessed, EsMay.

    And you're right, Duke, it is more the words than the pain, though the pain does help purge the emotional pain. But the words are what connect us. When I struggle, when I seek to let go and I cannot, he has only to speak some gentle word, some confirmation of love and I am open to him, and to his gifts of dominance, love and protection.

    (((hugs to you both)))

    1. Oh June, it is soooo very good to see you. I miss you greatly. I hope you are doing well.

    2. I sometimes feel insane saying them... but it is what it true. And I've had so much instability in my life, that I'm going to cling to the strength and safety I have found. And I find it's mostly about the words, without, the spanking is just a spanking, and I don't find much really happens, but once the Duke starts talking, wow. {{{hugs}}}

    3. Thank you for your comment June. I am glad that you read and enjoyed our post.

  2. You two seem to be in sync. Good for you

    1. Thank you, Leigh, took some time and long talks, but we are getting there. :)

  3. Well glad that your week of spankings was not the horror you imagined it might be! Good job to both of you for making it work in your best interest. I love the new format of the duke posting with you. It is really neat to hear how he felt about the whole thing, and he showed great strength and confidence in being able to admit that he wasn't always sure of himself before spanking. I'm looking forward to reading more from the two of you.

    1. River, I am glad that he felt he could share that, because I want this blog to be honest, and he could have so easily hid that fact, I didn't even know it myself until he admitted it here. I'm glad he's seeing how honest I'm being, and he will be too. I think we only grow in being real. And thank you, hopefully we won't make it boring. ;)

  4. I'm so happy that the week was beneficial to both of you, and I absolutely love hearing from the Duke! I know you probably feel crazy saying it helped, but I know it does, and sometimes it's just what you need to get into warm and cozy place. The most important thing is that you feel so much love, I can feel it from both of you!! SO happy for you!!


    1. Wow, Jennelle, thank you. :) Yeah, I kinda, really really, love the guy. ;) And it feels so good saying that after years of feeling it die out. I hear good marriages only grow in love... and I hope that is true for us, that will be what I fight for anyway. And I'm glad you liked hearing from the Duke. I'm already learning, and it's great. {{{hugs}}}

  5. I totally understand Esmay. There are times that spanking is the only thing that makes me feel cherished, loved, protected. That he loves me enough to do what I need, even though it's not what he is confident in. Duke, I know The Man struggles sometimes with the level at which I need the spanking, but he is much like you in that, he sees what I need, and steps outside his comfort to give it to me.

    1. Dana, how beautifully you put it. I actually didn't know until the Duke wrote this how he felt, but it makes me feel even more cherished. And we talked, and the more he steps in when he's unsure, the more sure he does become, so it helps both of us, which makes it easier for me to feel like it's not all about me, because I worry about that at times.

    2. Hi Dana, thank you for your comment. I am glad to know that I am not along in this HoH business.

  6. Hey Es May...there were times when as much as I didn't want one, I definitely needed a spanking...and the lecture that always went along with it. Matthew loved to lecture so most of the time, I was close to tears before the spanking even got started! Sure do miss the closeness and stress relief.

    Hey reading your thoughts. Just much as you need for Es May to communicate with you so that you know what is going on in her head, she needs you to communicate also...especially during a spanking. Also, the more you spank and watch her response, the more you will be able to read her body language and the more confident you will get in how long/hard to spank. One thing that many don't consider...a good warm up will allow her to take a longer/harder spanking with minimal bruising.

    Hugs and Blessings...

    1. Cat, {{{{hugs}}}} I told the Duke, I can't imagine losing him now that I know just how much I do need him. My prayers are with you, knowing first hand how hard a heart can break. {{{hugs}}}

      Thankfully, the Duke is a firm believer in warm ups, and gives one every single time. :) In there early stages we learned it needed to be this way for us. And he is learning, and has been learning about lecturing as well. That he does this for me,... warms my heart so much, and makes me feel so cherished. Thank you for your thoughts. :) {{{hugs}}}

    2. Thank you, Cat. Yes, I do need to be able to share more. what I am feeling. I guess the blogging and stuff is helping me to do that. I was always a loner before marriage, and I guess I am still more of a private person than I need to be. It can be hard sometimes to open up and share, but I can see how important it is to EsMay.

  7. I get weekly maintenance spankings and they have made a big difference. Words are so important, i think they help with keeping us connected and in the right 'head space' during a spanking. Sounds like your experiment was very successful.
    hugs abby

    1. abby, I couldn't agree with you more. I find that the words do the exact same for me. {{{hugs}}}

  8. EsMay, I am so glad to hear that the week of spankings worked for you, but what I enjoyed most is that you have felt more centered, calm and loved. Even if it is not always easy because of all the troubles, I hope so much that you will find ways together with your Duke. When I read how you two are able to connect, I always feel that you have a very sincere and deep going love and connection and that is a most beautiful way of being together.
    I am very sorry to hear that you have these troubles at the moment and I really do hope that first of all you can talk to your best friend and solve that problem. Whenever such a problem was there between my best friend and me, I could not even sleep and would have done anything to reunite quickly.
    EsMay, in one of my last replies in my blog, I stated that I am really not good at praying, but I can relate to that want of yours so much as if it was my own, and I would love to pray for you. You really are in my heart and my thoughts are with you, and in such a moment even more so.
    Hugs and lots of love,


    1. Oh Nina, same for me, I did not sleep well that night. I think things are mostly okay now, I hope so anyway. :) At least I have a peace now. Nina, I will never say no to prayers, especially when it comes to my want to have children. Thank you so much, it means more than I can ever say. {{{hugs}}}

  9. Hello Duke, I think this week must have been a kind of a challenge for you, because you really had to look closely at how EsMay reacts and copes with this. I loved reading that you care so much and work hard on being the good HoH that you are. I think it is so important that not only the sub wants to improve but also that the HoH has to have this awareness for himself, and I think you showed this awareness in a very adorable way.


    1. Hi Ni Na. Thank you for your kind words. I don't believe I am a good HoH currently, however I do believe that I have come along way in being a better HoH than when I started and fell I am still continuing to get better at it. I have heard before that leadership is a learned skill, and with my experiences in DD I am inclined to believe it as a year and a half ago I would have not thought I would be where I am today. Hopefully we will continue blogging about the journey for a long time to come.

  10. Hello to you both, It seems like your week was a successful one, glad you are closer than ever. I hope some of your problems can be sorted,
    love as always Jan.xx

    1. Thank you, Jan. Some have already worked out, thank goodness, and some are long term... and hopefully will come to be solved soon. :)

  11. I love both perspectives on this. It's so nice to hear from you Duke, because I know my husband also struggles with confidence in his leadership as well, but he tries to do what is best for me and tries his hardest to live this lifestyle for me. I think this is true for all HoH's, of course. No one is a confident leader *all* the time, and those who claim to be usually lack the concern and sensitivity to their sub that is vital in this relationship.

    1. Autumn, thank you for sharing that. You know, it's so easy to believe when you read about how well others are doing, to think that they never doubt, never have moments they question, or unsure. I am glad that the Duke is not alone in this, and having heard this from a few of you ladies, hope it will help other HoH's or subs in reading this. And that is a very interesting thought, I have to process that, I see a lot of truth that could be in that statement about always being confident meaning a lack of concern or sensitivity. I have to think on that. :)

    2. Thank you Autumn. That is a real interesting point about confident leaders. I guess pride does always come before a fall.

  12. I know you were nervous about this before you started. I'm so glad it worked out well. It was great to hear from the Duke. I love how he says that the words are the really important part of a spanking. I think that's so true.

    1. Leah, I agree with you. The words make the whole difference in a spanking. And I'm glad it worked out well too. :)

  13. Oh this was lovely :) I loved reading both your thoughts about your week, which sounds like a complete success. I'm so happy for you guys x

    1. Thank you, Missy. :) It was fun to write together, and hope we continue to do so, in one form or another. :) {{{hugs}}}


Please feel free to leave any comments, but I do ask you to be kind. We go into this with eyes wide open after months of prayer, and a peace in our hearts that this is the right choice before God for our marriage. I am open to questions from those who wonder why we made this choice, but I would ask for no personal attacks. Thank you. :)

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